(Georgios) Orestis Chardouvelis

Open to work

orestischar [at] gmail [dot] com

pfp of Orestis
Hi, I'm Orestis!
I am a grad student in CMU, graduating in August with a MS in Computer Science Research. My research was focused on theoretical and applied cryptography, with a focus on quantum cryptography and zero-knowledge proof systems. I am actively seeking opportunities in security and computer science, where I can apply my expertise and passion for technology to innovative projects.

Quantum Key Leasing for PKE and FHE with a Classical Lessor
Cryptology ePrint Archive | 2023
In this work, we construct a secure key leasing scheme to lease a decryption key of a (classical) public-key homomorphic encryption scheme from standard lattice assumptions.
Rate-1 Quantum Fully Homomorphic Encryption
TCC | 2021
In this work we show that, assuming the quantum hardness of LWE, there exists an Secure Function Evaluation protocol for quantum computation with communication complexity (||ψ⟩| + |C(|ψ⟩)|) ⋅ (1 + o(1)), which is nearly optimal.
The Round Complexity of Quantum Zero-Knowledge
TCC | 2021
We study the round complexity of zero-knowledge for QMA, constructing 2-Round WI arguments, 4-Round ZK arguments and 2-Round ZK in the timing model, matching the optimal round complexity for the corresponding post-quantum NP protocols.
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(Georgios) Orestis Chardouvelis | 2023